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Main courses and Teaching research:

  • Undergraduate courses: Signals and Systems
  • Postgraduate course: Subject frontier knowledge seminar
  • Teaching Research:
    1. Participate in the construction of the challenging course “Electronic System Design and Engineering Application Practice”
    2. Participate in frontier courses of Intelligent Science and Technology

Signal and SystemsLecture notes download >>

This course is an important foundation course for undergraduates’ degree in Instrumentation, Measurement and Control Technology, and in Automation. It mainly studies the decomposition and representation of signals in the time-domain, frequency-domain and complex frequency domain, and the analysis methods of linear time-invariant systems in the time-domain, frequency-domain and complex frequency-domain, and introduces to students the very important concepts, theories, methods and applications in the field of Instrumentation, Measurement and Control Technology and Automation through some of the practical examples, such as signal sampling and amplitude modulation. Through the study of this course, students will understand how to apply relevant mathematical knowledge and analytical methods to the engineering field, and gain the ability of engineering problems expression, mathematical modeling and analysis preliminarily. This course will lay a solid foundation for students to further learn courses such as digital signal processing, electronic measurement principle and control theory in the future.

The course contents mainly consist of the following chapters:

  1. Signals and Systems (8hrs)
  2. Linear Time-Invariant Systems (8hrs)
  3. Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals (5hrs)
  4. The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform (12hrs)
  5. The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (1hrs)
  6. Time and Frequency Characterization of Signals and Systems
  7. Sampling
  8. Communication System
  9. The Laplace Transform (8hrs)
  10. The Z-Transform (6hrs)