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  1. The master student Zican Zhou published a paper titled Target Tracking and Circumnavigation Control for Multi-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems Using Bearing Measurements in the journal Actuators, 2024.
  2. The Ph. D. student Jianglin Dong published a paper titled Opinion formation over dynamic hierarchical networks with acquaintances and strangers: A genetic variation based double-mechanism framewor in the journal Applied Soft Computing, 2024.
  3. The Ph. D. student Yanpeng Shi published a paper titled Finite-Time Hierarchical Containment Control of Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems With Intermittent Communication, in the journal IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2024.
  4. The Ph. D. student Chaoqun Guo published a paper titled Non-singular fixed-time consensus tracking of high-order multi-agent systems with unmatched uncertainties and practical state constraints,in Information Sciences, 2024.
  5. The master student Fan Yang published a paper titled Enhancing Safety in Nonlinear Systems: Design and Stability Analysis of Adaptive Cruise Control,in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles,2024.
  6. The Ph. D. student Haoqi Li published a paper titled Safe Formation Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Control Design and Safety-Stability Analysis, Control Theory and Technology,, 2024.
  7. The undergraduate student Bo Jiang published a paper titled Analysis of the influence of trust in opposing opinions: An inclusiveness-degree based Signed Deffuant-Weisbush model, in Information Fusion, 2024.


  1. Professor Jiangping Hu and Dr. Zhinan Peng organized an special issue titled Mathematical Methods Applied in Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems in the journal Mathematics. You are welcome to contribute to the special issue. (
  2. Professor Jiangping Hu gave a presentation titled Fast safe tracking control of complex nonlinear systems at JSSC Frontier academic salon, Linyi, May 25th, 2024.
  3. Professor Jiangping Hu gave a presentation titled Safe and Fast Tracking Control of Complex Nonlinear Systems at EEAC 2024, Kunming, June 7th, 2024.
  4. Ph. D. student Xixi Shen gave a presentation titled Finite-Time Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Electromagnetic Formation Flight in Near-Earth Orbit at The 2nd International Conference on the Frontiers of Robotics and Software Engineering, Guiyang, August 15, 2024.
  5. The students Haoqi Li and Bo Zhang gave presentations at CCC 2024,Kunming, July 28-31, 2024.